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Understanding Payment Status

What you can view and do with payments after you’ve initiated them.

Nick Castellano avatar
Written by Nick Castellano
Updated over a week ago

Payments come in three statuses: Processing, Completed, or Failed.

You can view a record of your payments from Payments > Payment Status.

Payments you’ve made manually or with a Gift Card will automatically be recorded as Completed, because these processes are direct.

Payments you’ve made via a payment platform such as PayPal Payouts or Payment Rails can come back with any of the 3 statuses, and the information is posted as it comes into Refersion. This status depends on how the payment method was set up, and a number of other checks that can happen on the payment platform side.

Note: For PayPal only, you may see a status of Unclaimed for an individual affiliate. If you see this status, we recommend waiting until the funds are returned to PayPal, then reprocessing the payment.

What you can do from the Payment Status Page

For payments made via PayPal Payouts or Payment Rails, you can click Details to:

  • See conversions

  • Download a payment list

  • Reprocess failed payment (if failed)

Note: You should check with your payment platform before initiating a payment reprocess. Find out a few common reasons your payment hasn’t gone through.

For payments made Manually, you can click Details to:

  • See conversions

  • Undo payment (remove its Paid status)

  • Download a payment list

Note: If you undo a payment, the payment status will be removed from your reporting.

For payments made by Gift Card, you can click Details to:

  • See conversions

  • Download a payment list

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