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How Does Refersion Deduplicate Conversions?
How Does Refersion Deduplicate Conversions?

Learn how Refersion prevents duplicate commission from being owed on orders.

Andre Tan avatar
Written by Andre Tan
Updated over a week ago

In general, the Refersion platform is designed such that only one affiliate is credited for a referred sale, even if there is more than one affiliate involved in the sale. Refersion also operates on a ‘last-click model’. This means that if a customer clicks on multiple affiliate links to your store before placing an order, then the affiliate whose link was clicked last/most recently will be attributed for the referred sale. You can click here for a more technical explanation of how Refersion’s link tracking works.

However, links are not the only way that affiliates can promote for merchants on Refersion: we can also attribute sales via coupon code, customer email, and SKU. Because of this, one possible but rare scenario is a customer could click an affiliate’s referral link and then use a different affiliate’s coupon code to place an order. Another example is a customer whose email is already tied to an affiliate as an email conversion trigger could use a different affiliate’s referral link to place an order.

For tracking purposes in both of those above scenarios, Refersion would record 2 different conversions (one link conversion and one coupon conversion in the first example, one email conversion and one link conversion in the second example). Rest assured, however, that the Refersion platform has logic in place to prevent duplicate commission from being owed.

What happens by default in these cases is that the link conversion will be prioritized: it will come through normally for you to process. Meanwhile the other type of conversion will be automatically unqualified: it won't be displayed to the referring affiliate and commission will not be owed. Here’s an example of what that looks like in a merchant account:

Please note: SKU conversions are exempt from this logic. A SKU conversion will never be automatically unqualified due to being a duplicate conversion. SKU conversion triggers are designed to always generate owed commission to their assigned affiliate.

If you want, we can switch the priority for these scenarios (we could automatically unqualify the link conversion and allow the coupon conversion to come through normally). Just let us know what your preference is by emailing [email protected].

Please note: At this time the Refersion platform is not able to set a 'priority hierarchy'; it can only prioritize one type of conversion. For example, in the default case where link conversions are prioritized and an order is attributed to 2 different affiliates via coupon code and customer email, then both conversions will come through as pending approval. This scenario requires manual review to avoid duplicate commission.

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