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How To Integrate With Klaviyo

Push events and new affiliates from Refersion into Klaviyo

Andre Tan avatar
Written by Andre Tan
Updated over a week ago

Klaviyo is an email marketing platform that enables businesses to automate email and SMS marketing. When you enable the Klaviyo integration, every time a new affiliate is approved to join your program, the affiliate will automatically be added to a designated list within your Klaviyo account.

In addition, Refersion will also send events into Klaviyo for certain actions taken by your subscribers. For example, an event could be an affiliate recording a new conversion or an affiliate receiving a commission payment. Leveraging these data points can be a powerful tool for automating email communications to your affiliates.

Here are a few examples of things you can do with the Refersion <> Klaviyo integration:

  • Send a branded, personalized welcome email when new affiliates join your program.

  • Send onboarding emails to help your affiliates learn more about your program, your brand and how to use their affiliate dashboard effectively.

  • Congratulate your affiliates when they record a conversion.

  • Send a monthly newsletter to keep affiliates engaged and informed.

  • Send exclusive offers to affiliates for new products or special commission incentives.

  • Alert your affiliates when they have received a commission payment.

  • Automate email notifications when affiliates reach new bonus tier milestones.

Integrating Klaviyo and Refersion

Before you start, decide if you'd like your affiliates to be in a new list or added to an existing list in Klaviyo. If you are using the same Klaviyo account to market to customers, then we recommend creating a separate list for affiliates.

To set up the integration, first login to your Klaviyo account. Then in a new tab (but in the same browser), login to your Refersion account and navigate to theAccount>Settings>Klaviyo (NEW)tab. Click the ‘Authorize’ button:

You’ll then be taken to your Klaviyo account, where you'll be asked to confirm the connection between Refersion and Klaviyo. Click "Allow".

Once connected, you'll be taken back to Refersion and the Klaviyo tab will be updated. You’ll be able to enter a List ID and specify the events and affiliate data that you’d like to sync to Klaviyo.

In order to retrieve a List ID, go to your Klaviyo dashboard, and navigate to Lists & Segments. Click on the name of the list you intend to use for the integration and then click the Settings link in the top navigation bar.

On the settings page, locate the List ID in bold text under the List ID & Name section. Copy this value and head back to Refersion.

In Refersion, return to the Account>Settings>Klaviyo (NEW) tab. Find the ‘Add affiliates to list (with option to subscribe)?’ field. You can pick from 3 options:

  • Do not add to list

  • Add to list

  • Add to list and subscribe

You have the options in Klaviyo (in the Consent tab of your list) to either ‘Require new subscribers to confirm their subscription before being added to the list’ or to ‘Immediately subscribe people to this list without a confirmation’. The "Do not add to list" option is for merchants who want to do their own targeting without using Lists (for example if a merchant wants to use Segments instead). With this option selected Refersion would still send through all the Data and Events that are checked off per each Affiliate.

Choose the setting in Refersion that aligns with your consent settings in Klaviyo, then paste your List ID into the “List ID of where Affiliates should be addedfield.

Finally, you’ll select the data fields and events you’d like sent to Klaviyo. We recommend sending all fields into Klaviyo to get the most out of the integration. However at a minimum be sure to include these fields in your selection:

  • Referral link: If you plan to send your affiliate welcome emails from Klaviyo, then having the affiliate’s referral link is crucial for ensuring they have exactly what they need to start promoting.

  • Coupon code: If you allow your affiliates to promote with a coupon code, you’ll want to send this over to Klaviyo so their unique coupon code can be included in a welcome email.

  • Offer ID: If you have different affiliate offer groups such as customers, ambassadors, bloggers etc, then you may want separate email communications per group. The offer ID is vital for this type of segmentation. You’ll simply set up your campaigns and email flows to send out different emails based on the affiliate’s offer ID.

Once you’ve made your selections, save your changes.

That’s it, you should be all set! Now, anytime a new affiliate is approved in Refersion, their information will automatically be added to your Klaviyo account.

Note: Any affiliates added in Refersion before the Klaviyo integration was enabled will need to be manually imported into your Klaviyo account. You can export affiliates from the Manage>Affiliates page as a CSV then import them into Klaviyo following these instructions.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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