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All About The Post-Purchase Channel

Turn customers into affiliates with the post-purchase widget.

Andre Tan avatar
Written by Andre Tan
Updated over 8 months ago

What is the Post-Purchase widget?

Your customers are already a fan of your brand, and Refersion’s post-purchase widget acts as an automated tool to entice them to join your affiliate network.

How it works

After completing their checkout at your store, your customers will see a pop-up promoting your affiliate program. Depending upon your primary promotion method, they will see either Activate & Get My Link or Activate & Get My Coupon Code in the pop-up.

Once they click, customers will automatically be registered as an affiliate, Refersion will pull in their name and email address from the order and they can immediately start promoting your brand on social media and other channels right from this same page!

Important Note: Customers who join your affiliate program through the post-purchase channel will be automatically approved, regardless of your account settings.

If you’d rather have an opportunity to individually vet customers interested in joining your program, below are some suggestions:

  • Leverage email marketing automation to send curated post-purchase emails to your customers. For example, after a customer purchases from your store, include your registration page link in an email campaign asking them to join your affiliate program.

  • If you’d still like to leverage Refersion’s post-purchase feature, create a separate offer for your customers. This will help create clear segmentation in your program for reporting, commission, and communication purposes.

How to set up the post-purchase widget

  1. Select an Offer (post-purchase or other).

  2. Select a Signup option (referral link or coupon code).

  3. Click Save.

  4. Go to Design.

  5. Customize your pop-up, then click Save.

  6. Review and customize your welcome email on the Email Confirmation tab (the email is set to On by default, which means it will be sent automatically to those who register).

  7. Click Save.

Next, install tracking

While remaining within Channels > Post-Purchase, go to Installation / Tracking Code to access instructions specific to your store. Here are quick links you can use to jump directly to the instructions for your platform:

Shopify Users

1. You'll see your code in a black box on the page, similar to the example below. Copy it and head to Shopify.

2. From Shopify, go to Settings > Checkout and accounts.

3. Paste the code into the Order status page box towards the bottom of the page (if there are existing scripts in this box, you can just place it towards the bottom of the box):

4. Click Save.

BigCommerce Users

1. Go to Installation / Tracking Code > Bigcommerce. Select your shop, then copy the code you see in the black box within Bigcommerce. See an example below.

2. From BigCommerce, go to Advanced Settings > Data Solutions (formerly Web Analytics). On the page, select the “Affiliate Conversion Tracking Option” then click “Connect” to access the code box.

3. Add the post-purchase code into the Conversion Tracking Code box.

4. Click Save to complete the connection.

WooCommerce Users

In order to utilize the post-purchase feature on your WooCommerce store, please ensure that your Refersion plugin is updated to version 4.9.1 or later.

1. Retrieve your post-purchase ‘code’ from your Refersion account on the Channels > Post-Purchase > Installation/Tracking Code in the “Other Shop” tab. WIthin the code box, you’ll see a line that says “code” as highlighted in the image below:

2. Copy this code from within Refersion and paste it into the “Post Purchase Widget Code” field in your Refersion plugin settings in WooCommerce. Then set the “Show the post-purchase widget on the Woocommerce thank you page?” field to Yes, and you’re all set!

Other Stores

If you use a different platform from the ones detailed above, then this part of the post-purchase widget setup gets a bit technical. If you can, we recommend forwarding these instructions to a developer.

1. From your Refersion Dashboard, go to Channels > Post-Purchase > Installation / Tracking Code. Then, click the Other Shop tab.

2. Copy the code from the black box.

3. Add the code to the confirmation or thank you page in your store. Before you save any changes on your site, be sure to replace “Customer's Email Address,” “Customer's First Name,” and “Customer's Last Name” with the special variables or “placeholders” that pertain to your specific e-commerce platform. If you have a custom e-commerce solution, you’ll need to have your developer create these variables for you.

4. Once complete, save your changes.

If you have any questions, shoot us an email at [email protected].

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