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What Is The Refersion Marketplace?

Supplement your affiliate marketing efforts with the Refersion Marketplace.

Andre Tan avatar
Written by Andre Tan
Updated over 7 months ago

For our merchants who are using Refersion, you get automatic access to list your affiliate program on the Refersion Marketplace, which is our open network of affiliate partners who are actively looking to partner with merchants. This network includes large publishers, bloggers, and influencers that have wide reaching audiences and can expose your product to thousands of news customers. This is a fantastic supplemental tool at your fingertips to quickly add affiliates.

Getting your offer listed is free for all Refersion customers, follow the steps below to make your offer available on the Marketplace. 

NOTE: We HIGHLY recommend customizing your registration form and filling in your program’s terms & conditions and privacy policy before listing on the Marketplace. We also highly recommend turning OFF affiliate auto-approval if you have that enabled on your account. Listing your offer on the Marketplace will put your affiliate program in front of many new affiliates, and you would want to vet them to make sure that they are a good fit for your program.

Rest assured, we do not share the Marketplace with your private affiliates. 

Select an offer

Go to Channels > Marketplace and change Listing Status to Yes, show my company listing in the Marketplace (turned ON). Next, choose which offer should be listed in the Marketplace (you can create a specific offer for the Marketplace by going to Manage > Offers). Choose your business category, put in an affiliate contact email for affiliates to contact you if they have any questions, and click Save.

Add content

Next, provide a description of your product and affiliate program to be displayed on your offer page in the Refersion Marketplace in the Content tab. Below for a sample of what that will look like for Refersion's affiliate program. Feel free to add HTML to customize the format. Make sure your description is at least 50 words in length. We strongly suggest that you add images to make the offer more descriptive which will encourage Marketplace users to sign up.

Confirm policies

Lastly, review and update your program policies by clicking on the Program Policies tab or going to Account > Settings > Program Terms and Privacy. You can also review our best practices guide on what you should include in your program terms and privacy policy for additional insight

Optional: Sign up as an affiliate to Refersion's Marketplace to check out your listing. It's free and will give you a chance to view your listing from an affiliate's point of view.

Your Offer on Marketplace

After you list your offer in the Marketplace channel it will appear in Refersion’s Marketplace. Marketplace users will be able to find your offer if it matches their search criteria on the Find Offers page. After a Marketplace user applies to your offer, you will be able to Approve or Deny their request on your Manage>Affiliates tab

To learn how affiliates use the Refersion Marketplace please visit our article on the Refersion Marketplace Dashboard

VIP Affiliates

You might notice once you've listed your offer on the Refersion Marketplace that some affiliates with a 'VIP' tag will start applying to join your program:

These are affiliates that we highly recommend accepting into your program as they are high converting, vetted by Refersion's partnership team, and have a great reputation in the publisher space

What's Next?

Just because you now have access to 25,000+ reps doesn’t mean you can sit back and watch your affiliate army rise up. Like affiliate marketing itself, which is much more than “set it and forget it,” fishing for affiliates is more involved than just putting bait on your line. Check out our resources on how to grow your affiliate network for additional details

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