Email conversion triggers act as an additional way to track affiliate-generated sales. When an order comes in through an approved email address, it will automatically be credited to that affiliate.
You can create these triggers on the fly from either the affiliate page, or right from your dashboard.
From the Affiliate Page
Navigate to Manage>Affiliates and click on the name of the affiliate you'd like to create the email conversion trigger for:
Click Conversion Triggers from the left menu, then click the Add Trigger button:
Choose Customer Email under Type, enter the Customer Email, and click Create.
Once created, the email will appear in the Conversion Triggers view, like this:ย
From Your Refersion Dashboard
From the Dashboard, click Add Conversion Trigger:
Choose the Affiliate you'd like to create the Email Conversion Trigger for, select Customer Email under Type, enter the Customer Email, and click Add Trigger.