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Affiliates Page Overview

Learn how to manage new and existing affiliates from the manage > affiliates page

Andre Tan avatar
Written by Andre Tan
Updated over 2 months ago

The Affiliates page found under Manage > Affiliates is the first place you'll go to review new and existing affiliates in your program. When used effectively, it can be a time-saver as your program starts to grow.

On the Affiliates page, your affiliates will be listed in table format. Within the table, you'll be able to see key details about your affiliates such as the affiliate's name, affiliate ID, approval status, offer name, revenue generated, the number of orders they've referred, average order value (AOV), and the number of pending conversions they have.

πŸ’‘ Tip: To see all table columns, scroll to the very bottom of the affiliate list and use the horizontal scrollbar. You'll know you've scrolled far enough when the scrollbar is all the way to the right and the first column becomes "sticky" with a shadow underneath it.

To see more information about an affiliate, you can click on their name. Clicking their name will open the affiliate's profile page in the same browsing window. If you prefer to work using multiple browser tabs, you can right-click on the affiliate's name to open their profile page in a new tab.

Another option for opening multiple tabs is to hold down the command key (Mac) or control key (Windows) while clicking the affiliate's name.

Table actions

Approving and denying affiliates

To approve or deny a pending affiliate, simply hover over the row containing the pending affiliate, and you'll see a green box with a checkmark (βœ“) for approving the affiliate and a red box with an X for denying the affiliate next to the affiliate's name.

Change an affiliate's offer

To change an affiliate's offer, hover over the row containing the affiliate and an actions button will appear. Choose "Change Offer" from the actions menu.

Once selected, a popup will appear where you can choose the affiliate's new offer using the search box.

Logging in as an affiliate

Logging in as an affiliate can be a useful way to help your affiliates with questions about orders, commissions, and payments in their account. You can log in as any of your active affiliates by hovering over the row for the affiliate and choosing "Login As" from the actions menu.

Bulk actions

Bulk Approve, Deny, or Change Offer

When you click the checkbox in the header of the affiliate table, all affiliates on the current page (up to 50) will be selected in bulk. For PENDING affiliates, you can bulk approve or deny their applications. Affiliates that are already active cannot be bulk approved or denied. For active affiliates, you can change their offer in bulk or change their status to deleted.

​Please note: Deleted affiliates can re-apply to your program again in the future. If you're deleting an affiliate with the intention of keeping them from re-applying, you'll want to disable the affiliate's account instead from their profile page. Disabling an affiliate cannot be done in bulk from this screen.

Search and filtering


In the search box at the top of the page, you can find affiliates using their name, affiliate ID, email, or company name. The search results will show the parts of the affiliate's name, company name, ID, or email that matched your search query in bold text. If you have a lot of affiliates who have common names, you can use their email or ID to narrow down the right affiliate.


You can filter down the affiliate list based on the revenue driven by affiliates, the affiliate's approval status, and the affiliate creation date. Filtering affiliates by the pending status and recent creation dates can be helpful when reviewing new applications.

When you apply one or more filters, you'll see a green dot on the filter button as shown in the image below.

If you forget which filters you've applied, simply click the filter button again and the applied filter will have a similar green dot next to it.

You can click the highlighted filter to make adjustments or click "Clear All" to remove all currently applied filters.

Saving and sharing views with others

When applying filters or sorting affiliates, the URL in your browser will update with the filters you've applied. You can bookmark the new URL to return to this view later or simply copy the URL to share with a colleague.

Below is the full URL from the image below showing a filtered list of affiliates for the current month of October 2022:

Showing and hiding columns

You can customize the list view by showing and hiding columns using the gear icon located at the top right of the affiliate table.

When a table column is hidden, you'll see a grey, crossed-out eye icon. Clicking the eye icon will toggle between showing and hiding columns in the table.

Please note: The affiliate name column is locked and cannot be hidden. In addition, you'll need to hide/show columns again if you leave the page and revisit it or if you refresh your browser window.

That's it! Hopefully, these tips help you manage your affiliates quickly and effectively. If you have additional questions, you can reach out to our team in-app via chat or send us an email at [email protected].

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