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Integrating Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Refersion
Integrating Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Refersion
Andre Tan avatar
Written by Andre Tan
Updated over 8 months ago

Important Notice: Integrating Refersion with your Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) storefront requires advanced technical knowledge and administrative permissions within Salesforce. For this reason, we recommend asking your Salesforce developer to complete this integration.

Installing the Refersion Cartridges into Salesforce

To integrate Refersion with SFCC, you’ll first need to download the required documentation and files from the Salesforce Commerce Cloud marketplace. From that page, click the “Download Integration” button and the files you need will download as a zip file.

Unzip the integration folder and find the “Documentation” folder, which will contain two sets of installation instruction PDFs. One is for SiteGenesis storefronts and one is for SFRA storefronts. Choose the appropriate file for a detailed guide on how to install, configure, and test the Refersion integration.

Connecting your Refersion account to Salesforce

After following the steps outlined in the PDF file for uploading and configuring Refersion’s cartridges in Salesforce, check to ensure your Refersion account is properly connected to Salesforce. This step is important to ensure orders from your store can be tracked and attributed to affiliates in Refersion.

In Salesforce, navigate to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences.

Click “Refersion” on the Custom Site Preference Groups screen. On this screen, you’ll have two important steps to complete:

Step 1: Change the Refersion option to “Enable.”

Step 2: Enter your public and secret API keys from your Refersion account. You can find these API keys within Refersion by navigating to Account > Settings > Refersion API.

Copy and paste the API keys into the appropriate input fields within Salesforce. If you are connecting multiple sites to Refersion, you can choose “Apply to Other Sites” or manually copy the API keys into each site’s preference settings.

Note: For SiteGenesis storefronts, the field titled “Controller Cartridge Name” is required. If needed, your Salesforce developer will have this information.

Once you’ve completed these settings, save your changes by clicking “Save.”

Scheduling order exports and preferences in Salesforce

In order to attribute sales and calculate affiliate commission within Refersion, Refersion will need to receive orders from your Salesforce store. Orders that are marked “Ready for export” and “Paid” will be sent to Refersion based on the schedule you set.

There are two important settings to check before going live:

  1. Order exports should be scheduled to run on a recurring schedule.

  2. Order exports should be set to send orders into Refersion for each of the stores that affiliates are promoting.

If you need to make changes to the way these order exports are handled, navigate to Administration > Operations > Jobs in Salesforce and select “RefersionExportOrder” from the list of jobs.

Configuring your order export schedule

Within the RefersionExportOrder job settings, click on the “Schedule and History” tab. Here you can set the frequency for exporting orders. We recommend setting the job to run at least every 5 minutes to ensure affiliates are credited for sales in a timely manner. When initially setting up your integration, you can choose to export your orders immediately by clicking “Run Now” to test the setup.

Choose which Sites will export orders to Refersion by configuring Site Scope

In the RefersionExportOrder job settings, click on the “Job Steps” tab then click on “Scope.” Here you can configure which sites will have orders exported. We recommend selecting all sites that affiliates will be promoting for you.

Test the integration

To check that everything is configured correctly, run a test order to test the tracking on your site (note: test orders will take about 10 minutes to come). If you are testing in a sandbox environment and your order doesn't automatically get marked as paid, you'll need to manually mark the order as paid in order for it to report into Refersion.

If you are having any issues, please contact us at [email protected].

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